Decor Mural by Artvales
Our company continues a family tradition dating back to the 18 th century in Lyon.
From the beginning, A. Germain has been dedicated to providing prints and weavings of high artistic quality.
Over the centuries and acquisitions, through contacts with the creators, the houses of decoration, the famous printers French and around the world (Desfossé & karth, Turquetil, Grantil, Dumas, Follot, Delicourt, Hans, Zuber, Leroy, Gruin, Balin,etc...), our fund has been enriched with rare documents.
Its reputation has placed Maison Germain at the forefront of suppliers and donors of the largest museums:
- InFrance , au musée du Louvre, au musée des arts décoratifs, à la Bibliothèque Forney (Ville de Paris), à l'hôtel de Sens, au musée Zuber de Rixheim..
-In the United States : New York Cooper Hewitt Museum , Philadelphia..
- In Germany : Kassel Museum (deutsches tapetenmuseum)
- In Sweden Bernadotte Museum Stockholm
as well as historic homes around the world.
Today, faithful to the family tradition, Artvales reprint a unique collection of wallpapers with great pictorial qualities.
The documents presented on this site can also be seen and bought at the family shop: Shop.
To learn more about wallpaper. :
Wallpaper in Lyon
Wallpaper in Lyon and its region
Alfred Hans